From the Library

Top 5 for free audiobooks and eBooks


They are offering a 90 day free trial for parents. This will allow students to access outside of the regular school day. Sign up at Choose families and you will be asked for the promo code (3months free) during the signup process.

Amazon Audible

For as long as schools are closed, Audible are letting children everywhere instantly stream an incredible collection of stories with titles in six different languages.

Storybooks Brought to Life

Safe curated library of animated storybooks kids love.

World Stories

World Stories is a free online interactive resource which hosts a library of over 150children’s stories. Over 30 additional languages.

More available are:

International Children’s Digital Library

This library promotes tolerance and respect for diverse cultures by providing access to the best of children’s literature from around the world.

Gutenberg project

Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired.

As well as finding eBooks and audiobooks there are so many authors who are streaming virtual story-times. It was hard to narrow it down but here are a few of Ms Joyce's favourites:

Top virtual story-times

Find even more here -

NLB National Library of Singapore

The NLB provides a very impressive range of eBooks and audio free to citizens and library members, as well as a plethora of physical books. Libraries are still open but you need to book your visit in advance.

Foreigners with a SingPass can register for NLB library membership online via this link:

A one-time registration fee of $10.50 and an annual foreign membership fee of $42.80 are payable.

Follow these instructions to install the Overdrive App when you have your username and password.